Enroll Online
Hi. We are Young
Leaders in the
making it
Celebrated as a 2020-2021 Microsoft Showcase School, Garfield Preparatory ES is the first of three globally recognized schools in DC Public Schools. We are now in the Incubator path of the Showcase School program. We envision delivering a blended learning and inquiry-based instructional program which deliberately includes and values all students in order to meet their unique learning needs while developing their understanding and respect of difference.

Enroll in Garfield Elementary ES (Garfield Preparatory Academy) today!
In-boundary, current, and feeder students just need to complete enrollment in three steps:
- Complete the Enrollment Packet electronically by going to www.enrolldcps.dc.gov
- Provide Proof of DC Residency.
- Submit your packet on the enrolldcps.dc.gov website.
If you are new to DC Public Schools or Garfield Prep , determine if Garfield Prep is your in-boundary school using the Enrollment Boundary Information System. If so, then please complete the in-boundary steps above.
If Garfield Prep is not your in-boundary, current, or feeder school, apply today via My School DC Lottery.
To learn more about enrolling into Garfield Prep ES, please contact us.
It's so awesome to learn about how to register for Garfield ES next school year with exciting events to support traffic safety.

Proud Ward 8 Parent
What is a programmatic feeder pattern? Programmatic feeder pattern schools/programs are organized by a specialized program of study (such as Dual Language). A programmatic feeder pattern provides the right for a student enrolled in a specialized school/program to enroll in the next level school within the specialized course of study as they transition into middle school or high school.
FAQs may include the below and reach out to the DCPS Enrollment Team if you need help answering any FAQs:
1. What is my student’s destination school?
2. Do I have to apply to my student’s destination school?
3. I enrolled my student as in-boundary but have since moved out-of-boundary. What is my student’s destination school?
For additional support, you may also contact DCPS Enrollment Team via email at enroll@K12.DC.gov